League of Legends Champion Guide: Graves

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1. Champion Overview

Name: Graves

Alias: The Outlaw

Champion Type: Ranged / Bruiser

Primary Position: Jungle

Difficulty: Medium

Traits: High burst damage, fast jungle clearing, high mobility in combat

Graves is a ranged bruiser champion who utilizes a unique basic attack mechanic and powerful burst damage. His shotgun-based attack style makes him effective in close combat, allowing him to excel in jungle clearing and counter-jungling.

2. Graves’ Abilities & Skill Order

[Passive] New Destiny

  • Fires two rounds before needing to reload.
  • Each shot releases four pellets: the first pellet deals 70–100% physical damage, while subsequent pellets deal 23.3–33.3% each.
  • Critical strikes fire six pellets with increased damage.
  • Pellets knock back non-champion units and deal reduced damage to structures.

Q: End of the Line

  • Fires a straight-line projectile that deals physical damage to enemies hit.
  • After 2 seconds or upon hitting terrain, the projectile explodes, dealing additional physical damage.

Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 13 / 11.25 / 9.5 / 7.5 / 6 seconds

W: Smoke Screen

  • Fires a smoke grenade at a target location, dealing magic damage and creating a smoke cloud for 4 seconds.
  • Enemies inside the smoke lose vision and have reduced movement speed.

Mana Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds

E: Quickdraw

  • Dashes in a target direction and reloads one shell.
  • Gains armor for 4 seconds, stacking up to 8 times (doubles when dashing towards an enemy champion).
  • Basic attacks reduce its cooldown.

Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds

R: Collateral Damage

  • Fires a powerful explosive shell that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Upon hitting an enemy or reaching max range, the shell explodes in a cone, dealing additional damage.

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 80 / 60 seconds

Skill Max Order:

Q (End of the Line) → E (Quickdraw) → W (Smoke Screen) → R (Collateral Damage)

3. Best Build for Graves (Jungle Meta)

🔥 Core Items

Eclipse – Provides lifesteal and bonus burst damage.
The Collector – Deals bonus damage to low-health enemies.
Lord Dominik’s Regards – Effective against tanky opponents.

Situational Items

🔵 Guardian Angel – Enhances survivability.
🔵 Black Cleaver – Great for extended fights.
🔵 Blade of the Ruined King – Increases sustained damage with basic attacks.

4. Recommended Runes for Graves

Primary Rune – Precision (Sustained Damage + Survivability)

  • Press the Attack – Boosts damage after basic attacks.
  • Triumph – Restores health upon takedowns.
  • Legend: Alacrity – Increases attack speed.
  • Coup de Grace – Deals extra damage to low-health enemies.

Secondary Rune – Inspiration (Utility Boost)

  • Magical Footwear – Grants bonus movement speed and saves gold.
  • Cosmic Insight – Reduces cooldowns on summoner spells and items.

Stat Bonuses: Attack Speed + Adaptive Force + Armor

5. Graves’ Strengths & Weaknesses


  • ✔️ High Burst Damage – Can deal significant damage in a short period.
  • ✔️ Fast Jungle Clearing – Passive ability enables quick monster clears.
  • ✔️ Strong Survivability – Increased armor and mobility help him stay alive.
  • ✔️ Excellent Counter-Jungle Potential – Can invade enemy jungles and apply pressure.


  • Forced Close-Range Combat – Needs proper positioning due to his attack mechanics.
  • Short Attack Range – Struggles against long-range enemies.
  • High Skill Requirement – Mastering his reload system and ability combos takes practice.

6. Graves’ Playstyle Tips

🔹 Early Jungle Pathing

  • Clear camps quickly and look for counter-jungle opportunities.
  • Aim Q (End of the Line) at walls to trigger an instant explosion.
  • Use E (Quickdraw) efficiently to maintain armor stacks.

🔹 Teamfights & Late-Game Play

  • Use R (Collateral Damage) for either engaging or finishing off enemies.
  • Cast W (Smoke Screen) to restrict enemy vision and gain an advantage.
  • Maintain optimal positioning to capitalize on his close-range strengths.

7. Conclusion

Graves is a powerful, high-mobility champion with excellent burst damage and jungle control. His effectiveness increases with experience, and mastering his positioning and jungle pathing is key to success. If you enjoy aggressive jungle gameplay, Graves is an ideal pick for you.

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