League of Legends Champion Guide: Nidalee

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1. Champion Overview

  • Name: Nidalee
  • Nickname: The Bestial Huntress
  • Champion Type: Assassin / Mage
  • Primary Role: Jungle
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Strengths: Exceptional mobility, powerful poke damage, versatile healing ability
  • Weaknesses: High skill requirement, heavy skillshot reliance, lack of tankiness

Nidalee is a jungle champion who can seamlessly switch between human and cougar forms, allowing for a dynamic and versatile playstyle. She can poke enemies from a distance with her “Javelin Toss (Q)” and heal allies using “Primal Surge (E).” In cougar form, she unleashes devastating melee attacks, quickly eliminating targets.

2. Nidalee’s Skills & Skill Order

Passive: Prowl

  • Moving through brush grants 10% increased movement speed for 2 seconds, or up to 30% when moving toward enemy champions within a 1400 range.
  • Hitting an enemy champion with “Javelin Toss (Q)” or “Bushwhack (W)” applies “Hunt” for 4 seconds.
  • Hunted enemies grant Nidalee bonus movement speed toward them and enhance her next “Takedown (Q),” “Pounce (W),” and “Swipe (E).”

Q: Javelin Toss / Takedown

  • Human Form: Throws a spear, dealing 70/95/120/145/170 (+0.55 AP) magic damage. The spear’s damage increases up to 210/270/330/390/450 (+1.2 AP) based on travel distance.
  • Cougar Form: Next basic attack deals 5/30/55/80 (+0.75 AD) (+0.4 AP) bonus damage, scaling with missing HP.
  • Hunted Targets: Takedown deals 30% additional damage.

Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Cooldown: 6 seconds

W: Bushwhack / Pounce

  • Human Form: Sets an invisible trap that lasts 2 minutes. Trapped enemies are revealed for 4 seconds and take 40 (+0.2 AP) magic damage.
  • Cougar Form: Leaps forward, dealing 55/100/145/190 (+0.5 AD) (+0.3 AP) magic damage upon landing.
  • Hunted Targets: Pounce range is doubled and the first cast has its cooldown reduced by 3 seconds.

Mana Cost: 30/35/40/45/50
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 seconds

E: Primal Surge / Swipe

  • Human Form: Heals for 35/50/65/80/95 (+0.275 AP) (+1% of missing HP per 1%) and grants 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed for 7 seconds.
  • Cougar Form: Slashes enemies in front, dealing 70/130/190/250 (+0.7 AD) (+0.4 AP) magic damage.

Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Cooldown: 12 seconds

R: Aspect Of The Cougar

  • Transforms between human and cougar forms.
  • Hunt effect resets the cooldown of R.

Cooldown: 3 seconds

Skill Priority:
Q > E > W > R

3. Best Nidalee Jungle Build (Meta)

🔥 Core Items

  • Luden’s Companion – Enhances poke damage
  • Shadowflame – Grants AP and magic penetration
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – Provides survivability and clutch plays

Situational Items

  • 🔵 Rabadon’s Deathcap – Best for full AP burst builds
  • 🔵 Void Staff – Essential against magic resist-heavy enemies
  • 🔵 Archangel’s Staff – Helps with mana management

4. Recommended Runes

Primary Rune – Sorcery (Maximizing Damage Output)

  • Summon Aery – Enhances poke and sustained damage
  • Manaflow Band – Increases mana sustain
  • Transcendence – Provides cooldown reduction
  • Gathering Storm – Scales AP into the late game

Secondary Rune – Inspiration (Utility Boost)

  • Magical Footwear – Grants free boots for faster scaling
  • Cosmic Insight – Reduces cooldowns on summoner spells and items

📌 Stat Shards: Ability Haste + Adaptive Force + Armor

5. Nidalee’s Strengths & Weaknesses


  • ✔️ High mobility – Fast movement speed and wall-hopping with Pounce (W)
  • ✔️ Strong pokeJavelin Toss (Q) can chunk enemies from afar
  • ✔️ Utility – Can heal allies and provide buffs with Primal Surge (E)


  • Difficult to master – Requires form switching and skill combos
  • Skillshot-dependent – Needs high accuracy with Q
  • Low teamfight impact – Focuses on assassinations rather than direct fights

6. Gameplay Tips

Early Game (Laning Phase)

  • Use Q (Javelin Toss) for poke and faster jungle clears.
  • W (Bushwhack) helps secure vision and disrupt the enemy jungler.
  • Take advantage of Hunt to execute fast ganks.

Teamfights & Late Game

  • Poke enemies with Q from a distance before engaging.
  • Go all-in when an assassination opportunity arises using W → Q → E combo.
  • Use E (Primal Surge) wisely to keep teammates alive.

7. Conclusion

Nidalee is a high-mobility, poke-heavy jungler who thrives on map control and skill-based execution. She excels at fast clears, early ganks, and poking enemies from range, but requires high accuracy and quick decision-making. Once mastered, she can dominate games by assassinating key targets or pressuring enemies with constant poke damage.

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