League of Legends Champion Guide: Darius

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1. Champion Overview

Name: Darius
Title: The Hand of Noxus
Champion Type: Fighter / Tank
Primary Role: Top
Difficulty: Easy – Medium

Strengths: Strong early laning phase, sustained damage and execution ability, excellent 1v1 potential
Weaknesses: Lack of mobility, vulnerable to CC (crowd control), requires good positioning in late-game team fights

Darius is a melee fighter who thrives on strong early laning and sustained damage. By utilizing his passive Hemorrhage, he pressures enemies, and with his ultimate Noxian Guillotine, he can execute opponents and keep fighting. The key strategy is to continuously attack and land abilities on enemies.

2. Darius’ Abilities & Skill Order

[Passive] Hemorrhage

  • Basic attacks and damaging abilities cause the target to bleed, dealing 13–30 (+30% bonus AD) physical damage over 5 seconds (up to 5 stacks).
  • Upon executing an enemy with Noxian Guillotine or fully stacking Hemorrhage on a target, Darius enters Noxian Might, increasing his attack damage by 30–230 and instantly applying max Hemorrhage stacks on basic attacks and Decimate’s axe blade.
  • Deals 300% damage to monsters.

Q: Decimate

  • Swings his axe in a circle, dealing 50/80/110/140/170 (+100–140% total AD) physical damage.
  • Enemies hit by the axe blade restore health to Darius (up to 45% against champions and large monsters).
  • The axe handle deals reduced damage and does not apply Hemorrhage.

Range: 425
Mana Cost: 25/30/35/40/45
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds

W: Crippling Strike

  • Darius’ next basic attack deals 140/145/150/155/160% total AD damage.
  • Slows enemy movement speed by 90% for 1 second.
  • If Darius kills an enemy with this ability, half the mana cost and cooldown are refunded.

Range: 300
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 5 seconds

E: Apprehend

Passive: Increases armor penetration by 20/25/30/35/40%.
Active: Pulls enemies in front of Darius and slows them by 40% for 1 second.

Range: 540
Mana Cost: 70/60/50/40/30
Cooldown: 24/21.5/19/16.5/14 seconds

R: Noxian Guillotine

  • Darius leaps onto a target, dealing 125/250/375 (+75% bonus AD) true damage.
  • Each Hemorrhage stack increases the damage by 20%.
  • If Darius executes the target, the ability can be reused for 20 seconds (resets completely at rank 3).

Range: 425
Mana Cost: 100/100/0
Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

Skill Order Priority

Q > E > W > R

  1. Q (Decimate): Main damage and sustain ability—max first.
  2. E (Apprehend): Provides armor penetration and crowd control—max second.
  3. W (Crippling Strike): Enhances basic attacks—max last.
  4. R (Noxian Guillotine): Upgrade whenever available.

3. Best Darius Build

🔥 Core Items
Trinity Force – Grants AD, attack speed, health, and ability-enhancing effects.
Maw of Malmortius – Provides lifeline passive and magic resistance.
Sterak’s Gage – Increases survivability and prevents burst damage.

Situational Items
🔵 Dead Man’s Plate – Grants movement speed and extra armor.
🔵 Thornmail – Effective against AD-heavy enemies.
🔵 Spirit Visage – Enhances healing effects.

4. Recommended Darius Runes

Primary Rune – Precision (For attack enhancement & sustained damage)

  • Conqueror – Increases damage in extended fights.
  • Triumph – Restores health upon takedowns.
  • Legend: Tenacity – Reduces crowd control duration.
  • Last Stand – Deals more damage at low health.

Secondary Rune – Resolve (For tankiness & sustain)

  • Second Wind – Grants extra sustain during laning phase.
  • Overgrowth – Increases max health for better durability.

📌 Stat Bonuses: Attack Speed + Adaptive Force + Armor

5. Darius’ Strengths & Weaknesses

✔️ Dominant Early Lane PhaseHemorrhage ensures strong damage output.
✔️ Good SustainDecimate heals Darius based on enemy hits.
✔️ Strong Teamfight ImpactNoxian Guillotine allows for multiple executions.

Lack of Mobility – Struggles to engage or disengage.
Vulnerable to CC – Can be easily locked down in fights.
Requires Good Positioning – Needs proper engagement timing.

6. Darius Gameplay Tips

Early Laning Phase

  • Use Q (Decimate) to poke enemies while sustaining health.
  • Trade aggressively with W (Crippling Strike) for slow and burst damage.
  • Wait for the enemy to use key abilities, then engage with E (Apprehend).

Teamfights & Late Game

  • Use E (Apprehend) to pull multiple enemies into fights.
  • Maximize sustain by hitting multiple targets with Q (Decimate).
  • Maintain Noxian Might stacks and execute targets with R (Noxian Guillotine).

7. Conclusion

Darius excels in early laning and 1v1 combat, allowing him to snowball games. His ultimate ability can turn fights with consecutive executions, making him a massive teamfight threat. With the right positioning and fight timing, Darius can carry games to victory!

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