League of Legends Champion Guide: Gwen

1. Champion Overview
- Name: Gwen
- Nickname: The Hallowed Seamstress
- Champion Type: Fighter / Mage
- Primary Position: Top
- Difficulty: Medium
- Strengths: Strong 1v1 combat, sustain, AP-based damage dealer
- Weaknesses: Lack of CC, limited engage tools
Gwen is a melee champion with powerful magic damage and excellent sustain, making her a formidable duelist. She excels at extended fights, using Hallowed Mist (W) to evade enemy abilities and Skip ‘n Slash (E) to position herself advantageously in fights.
2. Gwen’s Abilities & Skill Order
[Passive] A Thousand Cuts
- Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 1% (+0.6% per 100 AP) of the target’s max HP.
- Heals for 50% of the bonus damage dealt to champions.
- Deals 10 (+0.15 AP) bonus magic damage to monsters.
Q: Snip Snip!
- Gains stacks (up to 4) from basic attacks.
- When activated, consumes stacks to perform consecutive scissor slashes, with the final slash dealing true damage.
- Mana Cost: 40
- Cooldown: 6.5 / 5.65 / 5 / 4.25 / 3.5 seconds
W: Hallowed Mist
- Summons a mist for 4 seconds, preventing enemies outside the mist from targeting Gwen.
- Grants bonus Armor and Magic Resist while inside the mist.
- Automatically recasts if Gwen leaves the mist once.
- Mana Cost: 60
- Cooldown: 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 seconds
E: Skip ‘n Slash
- Dashes forward, enhancing Gwen’s basic attacks for 4 seconds (bonus attack speed and increased attack range).
- Hitting an enemy reduces the ability’s cooldown.
- Mana Cost: 35
- Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11 seconds
R: Needlework
- Throws needles in up to three casts, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies.
- The final cast deals the most damage.
- Mana Cost: 100
- Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds
Skill Upgrade Priority
Q (Snip Snip!) > E (Skip ‘n Slash) > W (Hallowed Mist) > R (Needlework)
- Q (Snip Snip!) – Core damage ability, max first.
- E (Skip ‘n Slash) – Provides mobility and attack speed, max second.
- W (Hallowed Mist) – Improves survivability, max last.
- R (Needlework) – Upgrade whenever available.
3. Gwen’s Best Build
- 🔥 Core Items
- ✅ Riftmaker – Grants HP and AP, enhancing sustain and dealing bonus damage over time.
- ✅ Nashor’s Tooth – Increases attack speed and AP, empowering basic attacks.
- ✅ Zhonya’s Hourglass – Provides armor and survivability with an active stasis effect.
- ⚡ Situational Items
- 🔵 Void Staff – Useful against enemies stacking magic resist.
- 🔵 Archangel’s Staff – Increases mana pool and AP.
- 🔵 Liandry’s Anguish – Effective against tanky opponents.
4. Recommended Runes
Primary – Precision (Maximizing Sustained Damage)
🔸 Conqueror – Stacks AP and provides healing during extended fights.
🔸 Triumph – Restores health upon securing kills.
🔸 Legend: Alacrity – Grants bonus attack speed.
🔸 Last Stand – Increases damage when low on HP.
Secondary – Resolve (Enhancing Survivability)
🔹 Second Wind – Improves sustain in lane.
🔹 Overgrowth – Increases max HP over time.
📊 Stat Shards: Attack Speed + Adaptive Force + Armor
5. Strengths & Weaknesses
- ✅ Strengths
- ✔️ Powerful 1v1 combat – Strong sustained damage and healing.
- ✔️ Hallowed Mist (W) for survivability – Blocks incoming targeted abilities.
- ✔️ Skip ‘n Slash (E) for mobility – Enhances repositioning in fights.
- ❌ Weaknesses
- ❌ Lack of CC – Limited crowd control, making it harder to engage/disengage.
- ❌ Single dash ability – Difficult to escape once engaged.
- ❌ Weak early laning – Struggles with mana costs and sustain in early fights.
6. Gwen’s Gameplay Tips
Early Laning Phase
- Use Q (Snip Snip!) to poke and clear waves efficiently.
- Utilize E (Skip ‘n Slash) to reposition and engage in trades.
- Time W (Hallowed Mist) to block key enemy abilities.
Teamfights & Late Game
- Use E (Skip ‘n Slash) to close the gap and engage fights.
- Maximize damage by comboing Q (Snip Snip!) and R (Needlework).
- Time W (Hallowed Mist) to survive critical enemy burst damage.
7. Conclusion
Gwen is a powerful AP-based fighter with strong dueling potential and sustain. Her ability to evade attacks with Hallowed Mist (W) and reposition with Skip ‘n Slash (E) makes her a versatile champion in teamfights. With proper positioning and itemization, Gwen can dominate both 1v1 skirmishes and late-game teamfights. If you enjoy aggressive melee champions with sustain, Gwen is a fantastic pick!
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